How to play preflop
The 3 reasons you play a hand in poker are
1. value
2. bluff
3. try to make a big hand (speculative hands)
Playing for value means that you think you can get called (or raised) by a worse hand than yours. Look at your oppenents and try to think of the hands they could be playing that are worse than yours. When someone raises and you're thinking of calling with AJ, ask yourself do they have AT, A9, A8, KJ, QJ, TJ. If you're deciding to 3 bet, could they possibly call with those hands? If not then your hand likely doesn't have enough value to play. The looser your opponents are the more you should open your value range. Players who have a high vpip and low pfr are good players to bet thinly against. Players who have high pfrs, 30%+, or steal, 40%+, are good spots to call or raise wider for value.
BLUFF (stealing and 3bet bluffing)
When you are bluffing, you are assuming you have the worst hand, but if your bluff succeeds you wont' have to play the flop so it doesn't matter what you have. (It helps to have blockers though, an ace or king in your hand lowers the chance your opponent has AA or KK) The more people are left in the hand, the less likely your bluff will succeed. So you should be stealing the least from UTG, and the most from the sb, (or from the button if your opponents are positionally aware). You want to look at how tight are the players that are left in the pot. If they fold to steal 75% or more or if their vpip is below 20% they are probably good players to steal against. Players who are stealing 40% or more are good players to try to 3bet bluff (esp if they are tight otherwise)
These are hands that you want to see a cheap flop with. Hands like suited connectors or small pp. If someone opens then you'll usually want to just call. Try to be in position. Avoid getting 3bet. Do not call 3bets with these hands unless you are deep stacked. Speculative hands can be used to steal or isolate fish as well. The stronger your opponent's range, the better your speculative hands are. Also good in multiway pots.
1. You are in the sb, the button is 18/14 fold to steal 80%. Open any two cards.
2. You are on the button with J9, the sb is a 60/10 fish. Open for value.
3. Same as 2 but you are in the CO. The button is 18/14. Open for value.
4. Same as 3 but button is 45/35, high 3bet. Fold.
5. SB opens you have 68s, call.
6. UTG +1 opens you have TT on the button, CO is 18/14, steal 25%. Call for value.
5. You have TT in the SB. Button opens, 30% steal, low fold to 3bet, low 4bet. 3bet for value.
6. Button is 20/17 steal 45%, you have A3 in the bb. 3bet bluff.
7. CO open and is 20/17. You have QJ on the button. Call for value.
8. SB and BB are both 80%+ fold to steal. You are on the button. Open almost any two cards.
9. UTG is 60/10 fish and limps. You have T8s on the CO. Button is tight. Isolate.
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legendo ako uvatis vrimena baci oko na ovaj video a ima ih na ovoj stranic jos dosta su pocni i misln da su to najbolja videa sta san nasa na netu...
OdgovoriIzbrišiako ne bude valjalo placan pice u grote..heheh
Baš ču pogledat a ako bude valjalo ja tebi piće u grote hehe aj pozdrav
OdgovoriIzbrišidrzin te za ric...heheh